Whatever you might be looking for along your own exploration of a personal connection to Jewish learning and life, Rabbi Adam is available to accompany and guide you along your journey.

One-on-one spiritual companionship/ spiritual direction/spiritual guidance/Hashpa’ah is an ongoing relationship between a director/mashpiah and a directee/mushpah/at to deepen and contemplate your relationship with and to your spiritual life. The root of the Hebrew words is SHeFA which means flowing. A dimension of this work is noticing the fluid and ever-changing nature of our lives, our experiences, and our selves. These monthly one-hour sessions are holy spaces for you to be, be held, and reflect on noting and noticing the Holy/Infinite/God/ universe/etc. guiding and unfolding in front of you. While spiritual direction is not therapy, it can be therapeutic in nature as it allows us to more deeply align our work with the will and call of our spiritual selves/soul/God/etc.

Judaism, with its vast collection of texts, teachings, rituals, and practices offers profound insight and wisdom to more deeply engage with and explore the depth and wonder of life. It is a religious framework providing a pathway to more deeply understand and explore our own personal experiences in the world and our relationship with existence. The ebbs and flows of living are mirrored in the story of the Jewish people, the Hebrew calendar, weekly Torah portions, and personal life-cycle events and celebrations.

אדם עולם קטן–Adam Olam Katan–a human being is a little universe

Rabbi Adam is available for one-on-one learning, discussions, dialogue, and counseling to bridge your life with the depth that Judaism and Jewish life can offer.

Rabbinic Guidance and Consulting

Spiritual Direction

Follow the steps below to start your journey…

  1. Schedule a 30 minute initial consultation.

  2. Complete this intake form before the initial consultation.

  3. If we decide this is a good fit, we’ll schedule our first session!

The hourly rate for one-on-one sessions is $175.
Cost should not be a limiting factor and Rabbi Adam will work with you on a sliding scale if needed.

Currently accepting clients.